
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Vision of Beauty by Kathryn Lasky - ADVISABLE

Lasky, Kathryn Vision of Beauty: the story of Sarah Breedlove Walker, 45 pgs.  Candlewick Press, 2000. $ 14.99.  Language: G ( 0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence : G.

Sarah Breedlove Walker was the first member of her family to be born out of slavery. Though her life was filled with the challenges of poverty and discrimination, she was determined to make a better life for herself and her family. After years of hard work, Walker started Madam C J Walker's line of beauty products for women. She was a pioneer in the world of African American businesswomen as well as a generous philanthropist.

This short book would be very useful for students working on biography related projects. It is well-written with beautiful watercolor and pencil illustrations by Nneka Bennett. The book includes notes by the author and illustrator, additional resources for research, and an index. Not only would this be useful for biographies for Black History Month, but also a study of famous people from the midwest, famous women or famous inventors.

EL, MS - ADVISABLE Reviewer: Joy Hafen

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