
Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Quirks: Welcome to Normal by Erin Soderberg –ESSENTIAL

Soderberg, Erin The Quirks: Welcome to Normal 240 pgs. Bloomsbury USA Childrens, 2013 (June). $8.39  Content: Language: G (0 swears);  Mature Content: G ;  Violence: G.
Molly is the normal one in an unusual family of people with a variety of magical abilities. Magical abilities that mean their family is constantly messing up and having to move. They are trying again to be “normal” in yet another town, this one called Normal. Can Molly help her twin sister to control her out of control powers, her brother to be visible and stop playing tricks, and help her mom to not be so tired and flustered?
I was surprised and delighted by this book. While it’s full of wayward magic and the disasters that go with it (which could get old if too slapstick), this book is also really creative, full of heart, and not sickly sweet. Molly must be the glue that holds the family together, their father left them years ago, and she worries and does her best. Real stuff! I have been waiting to find a book for 3rd graders that doesn't give me cavities, but will also be adored by the students. I think this is the one!
Elementary –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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