
Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Cats on Ben Yehuda Street by Ana Stampler-ADVISABLE

Stampler, Ana Redisch, ill. by Carabelli, Francesca, The Cats on Ben Yehuda Street. Kar-Ben Publishing, 2013. PICTURE BOOK.

Every day Mr. Modiano would unlock his Tel Aviv Fish Palace and every morning the cats would gather by his doorway only to be shooed away. Mr. Modiano didn’t seem to like cats. Every night, he would climb the stairs to drop fish by Mrs. Spiegel’s place. Mrs. Spiegal would invite him in for tea, but he would always say no. Afterwards, she would feed part of her fish to her cat, Ketzie and and Ketzie’s stray friend, Gatito, but only Ketzie ever got to go inside. One day, Ketzie disappears and Mrs. Spiegel is distressed. Can Mr Modiano put aside his dislike of cats and help her find her cat. Will Gatito ever have a home?

A cute, colorful picture book for cat fans. The story is a little long, but would work for older preschoolers and kindergarteners. The illustrations are fun and complement the text. Young children who like books about animals will enjoy having this book read to them. PreK, EL (K-1). ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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