
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Hold Fast by Blue Balliett - ESSENTIAL

Balliett, Blue Hold Fast, 288 p. Scholastic, 2013.  $18.  Content: G.  

Early, Jubilation, Dashel and Pearl make a tight-knit, loving group of four who have enough love to make life work, even though money is tight.  Until the day that Dashel disappears, that is.  Now Pearl doesn’t know how she is going to keep it together.  None of them believe Dashel left on his own, but in order to find them they will large dashes of help and luck.  They know Dash was doing side work for a man at the public library; when masked men break into their home and steal every book they own, they know that is the place they must start.  

Hold Fast is a melodic thriller – rhythm and numbers work together to form the framework for the mystery.  Plus Balliett adds details about life without a safety net.  I learned a lot.  I liked this much more than the Chasing Vermeer books, because this touched the heart. I would be interested in what this Lexile's at, because it would be a good suggestion for 6th or 7th grade.

 EL, MS – ESSENTIAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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