
Friday, March 29, 2013

Fish for Jimmy by Katie Yamasaki - ESSENTIAL

Yamasaki, Katie Fish for Jimmy, PICTURE BOOK. Holiday House, 2013. $16.95. Content: G. 

Fish for Jimmy is based on a true story of a Japanese American family that was sent to an internment camp. Taro’s younger brother, Jimmy, refuses to eat at the camp. Taro tries to help Jimmy acclimate to the new surroundings and new food by sneaking out of camp to get fish in the nearby river. This brotherly act helps to make Jimmy feel more comfortable and he finally begins eating again. 

The artwork in this book was outstanding.  The story was a perfect combination of detail and narrative.  I was really impressed with how the book focused on the familial challenges of relocation, but still managed to highlight the impact of Japanese American internment.  There is an author’s note and photographs at the end of the book that help to tie the historical and narrative aspects of the book together.  This is a nice addition to support Common Core goals. 

EL- ESSENTIAL. Reviewed by: Shay, School Librarian

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