
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Enshadowed by Kelly Creagh - OPTIONAL

Creagh, Kelly  Enshadowed, 429 pgs.  Atheneum Books for Young Readers (Simon), 2012. $17.99  Content: Language: PG-13; Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG-13.  

In this second book of the Nevermore series, Varen is still stuck in the dream world that Isobel left him in from the first book.  Isobel is having bad dreams and obsessing about Varen being trapped in the netherworld.  She decides to try and meet the mysterious man who visits Poe’s grave every year on Poe’s birthday because she believes the mystery man may know a way to get into the netherworld.  Isobel’s family is very concerned about her because although she has continued to work hard at school and cheer, she is distracted and distant from them.  Isobel prepares to lie to her family and with the aid of her best friend find a way to get to Baltimore to meet with the mysterious man and get to Varen, but even if she goes through all the trouble what will be left of the Varen that she knew from before?  

This is a creepy, well written ghost story with an angsty main character.  Parts of this book frustrate me, such as Isobel’s willingness to give up everything for a boy that she hardly knows and whose character is not well developed, a boy who chose to go into the netherworld.  I was also frustrated because her family is very supportive and loving towards her, but she never confides in them and lies to get what she wants.  My biggest complaint is that the teaser in the cover of the book practically tells the whole story.  The ending leaves you hanging, and I will read the third book to find out what happens to all the characters.  

HS-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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