
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Why Do Elephants Need the Sun? by Wells - OPTIONAL

Wells, Robert E.  Why Do Elephants Need the Sun? Albert Witman and Co, 2010.  $7.99  PICTURE BOOK  Content: G.  NON-FICTION.

This children’s book is mostly about the sun and a little bit about elephants.  The book starts out with an explanation that the sun is really a star and tells how far the sun is from the earth.  Then the book goes into an explanation about how all of the animals and plants on earth depend on the sun’s energy.  Using colorful and simple illustrations the basics of photosynthesis , the water cycle and gravity are drawn and explained.  The book explains these scientific processes with simple explanations and good basic drawings.  There are a few side bars with extra information about the sun.  The elephant in the book represents all of the living animals on earth that benefit from the sun with a few facts about how much elephants eat and weigh.  This is a good basic book about the sun and it’s relation to earth.  My only complaint would be that the cover makes it look like it is about elephants, when it really is about the sun.  

EL (4-6)-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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