
Monday, February 11, 2013

Struck by Jennifer Bosworth - ADVISABLE

Bosworth, Jennifer  Struck, 384 pgs.  Farrar Straus Giroux, 2012.  $16.99  Content: Language: PG-13 (16 swears, 0 'f'); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG-13. 

 Mia lives in an apocalyptic Los Angeles, and at seventeen she finds herself caring for her mentally unstable mother and rebellious younger brother.  Mia has been struck by lightning more times that she can count and her body holds the energy from the lightning inside her.  In her city there are two factions competing for people’s loyalty, the Seekers and the Followers.  The Seekers have their eyes set on Mia, they want to use her Spark, or lightning energy to preserve the city, but the Followers are following a prophet who seems to be brainwashing his congregation into believing the end is coming in two days.  Mia is counseled not to follow either group by a boy Jeremy, who when she touches she sees visions of the end of the world, in which she is the culprit.  In an effort to keep her mother and brother safe, Mia tries to find the right group to join and the right actions to take.  With the help of Jeremy and his visions, Mia becomes the center of the storm and everyone will rely on her powers. 

 I thought this book was a creative twist on paranormal by using the power of lightning.  I loved the setting because I thought it was interesting to consider all of the conveniences that would be taken away if we were a part of a natural disaster.  The main character’s loyalty to her family and ability to overcome her hardships made me cheer for her.  I liked the romance between Jeremy and Mia because I thought it fell in with the storyline without being cheesy or the main part of the story.  This book stands on its own and had a satisfying ending that made me glad I read it.  

HS - ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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