
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Shine by Jeri Smith-Ready - OPTIONAL

Smith-Ready, Jeri  Shine, 399 pgs.  Simon Pulse, 2012.  $17.99  Content:  Language: R; Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG-13. 

 In the final book of the Shade trilogy, Aura comes to terms with losing her boyfriend Logan and realizes that she cares for her friend Zachary.  Aura, along with everyone who was born since her, has always been able to see people who are dead, except when she is with Zachary who seems to have a ghost repellant quality about him.  As they get to know each other better and start to uncover the story behind their abilities they learn that their parents are the reason that the shift happened and ghosts are visible.  Aura delves into her dead mother’s journals and decides she needs to travel to Ireland and visit the places that may have answers to why the shift happened before the government takes her and Zachary for good.   

This book wrapped up all the questions that the rest of the series presented.  Like the other books in the series, the language has a lot of swearing, including the “F” word.  The story moves along quickly and is hard to put down and the romance between the two characters is fun.  This book would be hard to recommend because of the swearing, but the storyline is entertaining, making it optional.  

HS-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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