
Friday, February 8, 2013

Shapeasaurus by Megan Bryant - OPTIONAL

Bryant, Megan E.  Shapeasaurus  Illustrated by Luciana Navarro Powell.  Chronicle Books, 2012.  $9.99  BOARD BOOK  Content: G. 

   This is a book about three T-Rex dinosaur babies and how they come across different shapes as they explore their world.  At the beginning of the book, the T-Rex babies hatch from oval eggs and then they come across a circle sun, square rocks, diamond shape spikes and crescent shape claws.  The book ends with the three T-Rex babies grown up having dinosaur eggs of their own.  

The illustrations are cute and colorful for young readers.  I think this book encourages young readers to look for shapes in their everyday environment, just like the dinosaurs found shapes in their surroundings.  My least favorite part of this book is for the rectangle shape they used triceratops teeth and it’s hard to decipher what shape they are from the picture.  

PRE-K -OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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