
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

No Passengers Beyond This Point by Choldenko - OPTIONAL

Choldenko, Gennifer  No Passengers Beyond This Point, 240 pgs. Dial Books for Young Readers, 2011. $16.99. Language: G, Violence: G, Mature Content: G. 

Finn, India, and Mouse are siblings flying to Colorado to live with their Uncle (Mom will be joining them at a later time, after she deals with the complications of their foreclosed home.)  After they land, they are confronted with all sorts of strange and unexpected occurrences such as a taxi driver who knows them, but has never heard of Uncle Red and cell phones that don’t have any service.  The three of them have to find one another and figure out a way to get to Uncle Red’s before the time on their magical clocks runs out.  

The story starts with good fluidity and is very easy to understand.  As it continues, it becomes more convoluted and difficult to interpret what is happening.  For the sake of the surprise ending, the details are never fully explained and the author leaves a lot to the reader to figure out at the finish.  That could prove difficult for some Young Adult readers.  I enjoyed the dedicated relationships between the siblings, but there was too much unfinished business. I would have preferred fewer details, rather than have so many unanswered components. This book has a really intriguing premise, but a somewhat sloppy delivery.  

EL, MS - OPTIONAL. Reviewed by: Shay, Library Media Specialist

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