
Friday, February 15, 2013

Freaks by Keiran Larwood - OPTIONAL

Larwood, Keiran Freaks, 223 pgs. Chicken House, 2013.

Language - G, Mature Content - G; Violence - PG; 

Sheba has only known being stared at in pity because of her appearance and being lonely. Once she is bought by another freak-show owner, though, she meets people who don't look at her with pity and is no longer alone. Then, as if life for Sheba could get any stranger, Sheba and her new friends become crime fighters to save London's missing children. 

While under stories are fun and the mystery caught my attention, I had to force myself to turn each page and keep reading instead of putting it down. There are witty remarks and clues to be deciphered, but this book was unable to keep me engaged for more than three pages at a time. I did, however, love the ending. 

MS - OPTIONAL. Reviewer: CCH

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