
Friday, February 8, 2013

Countasaurus by Megan Bryant - OPTIONAL

Bryant, Megan E.  Countasaurus  Illustrated by Luciana Navarro Powell.  Chronicle Books, 2012.  $9.99  BOARD BOOK  Content: G.  

This is a counting book for young readers.  Different dinosaur parts are used as the book counts from one to ten.   For example, stegosaurus has one tail, pterodactyl has two wings, and triceratops has three horns.  The pictures are colorful and the dinosaurs are childlike and simple.  

This is a cute addition to a preschool library collection and young readers will enjoy counting the dinosaurs’ claws and horns.  The only issue I had with this book was that sometimes the pages were confusing, for example, for the number four they ask you to count the spikes on stegosaurus’ tail, but his spikes go all up his back, so how are little kids supposed to know when his tail ends.  

PRE-K – OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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