
Friday, January 4, 2013

Zip by Ellie Rollins - ADVISABLE

Rollins, Ellie, Zip. Razorbill, 2012. Pgs. 323.

Content: G


Ever since her mother died, Lyssa Lee has been living with her loving, but clueless stepfather, Michael in Oregon instead of in Austin where she grew up. Lyssa is having a hard time adjusting from her homeschooled, more nature-oriented way of living to having to do her summer homework for school and having a more structured existence. When she hears of a protest being put on to prevent the city from tearing town her mom’s home, Lyssa knows that she has to somehow get to Austin and save her home. Hopping on her scooter, Zip, she heads out, leaving no note for her stepfather. Running from police, Lyssa attempts to outrun people who want to collect on the reward out on her and attempt the impossible of getting to Austin in less than a week. Will she succeed?

A cute, fuzzy-feeling adventure story for girls. The characters are likable and relatable to. The pacing of the plot is well-done and keeps the reader’s interest. Readers who like adventure, family, and self-discovery stories will enjoy reading this book.

Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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