
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Railroad Hank by Lisa Moser - OPTIONAL

Moser, Lisa  Railroad Hank  Illustrated by Benji Davies  Random House, 2012.  $16.99  PICTURE BOOK  Content: G.  

Hank owns a train and he is driving up to visit Granny Bett because he heard that she was feeling sad.  He stops to talk to his friends along the way and collects different items to cheer Granny Bett up.  Hank misunderstands each of his friends and instead of bringing her eggs, milk, apples and trout, he loads hens, cows, trees and barrels full of pond water to take to Granny Bett.  Each friend chases after the train to stop Hank, but they end up running all the way up the mountain to Granny Betts.  Granny Bett is cheered up by seeing all of her friends, and laughing at Hank's mistake.  

This is a simple story that has a pattern that becomes predictable for readers.  The pictures are bright and colorful and the story is a bit humorous.  I think young readers would like it, although it’s nothing spectacular, it was a fun read.  

EL (K-3)-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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