
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Magicalamity by Kate Saunders –NOT RECOMMENDED

Saunders, Kate Magicalamity 320 pgs. Delacorte Books for Young Readers , 2012. $11.42.  

 Violence: PG13, Language: G, Mature Content: PG13)


Tom, an 11yo, finds out that his parents are in danger –all because of a family secret he didn't know about. His dad is a fairy and is on the run; Tom’s mother missing. Relying on the lackadaisical help of his aging Fairy godmother, Tom learns about his own magical heritage and the world he never knew about.

Keep it at the above description and you have a really good read. But add a unhealthy excessive dose of sexual innuendo and an 11yo sleeping with a loaded gun under his pillow and you have a book that I can’t recommend under any circumstance. Freud would have a field day with this author. Enough said.

Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.


  1. I know there was fairy nudity in the Realm, but I missed the sexual innuendo. It was a very British book. Oh, dear. Perhaps a reread is in order. Thanks for your honest review.

  2. I laughed at the first thing about the suggested sex change, but by the time I went through a few more ill humored events, and got to the slave girl drag, I knew this book was totally not going to work for a school library.
