
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Batman: Fowl Play by John Sazaklis -ADVISABLE

Sazaklis, John Batman: Fowl Play 24 pgs. HarperFestival, 2012. $3.99.  (Rating: G)
Gotham has two unusual things going on: birds haven’t migrated back to the city and there is a robbery crime spree. Batman’s own house gets robbed! He must face a new nemesis in The Penguin!
If this book doesn't come out in hardback edition, it’s a no-go for your library. The K and 1st graders can’t get enough of these superhero books that they can read for themselves and this one is sure to be popular. So this poor paper copy would be trashed in a week!  
EL –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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