
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Adventures of Jo Schmo by Greg Trine –NOT RECOMMENDED

Trine, Greg The Adventures of Jo Schmo: Dinos are Forever 105 pgs. Harcourt Children's Books, 2012. $10.39.  (Rating: G)
When Jo gets a super hero cape in the mail, she quickly finds out that it does give her and her dog extra powers. When its time to face Dr. Dastardly and his walking and flying dinosaurs bones, will Jo be ready? Will she have learned to harness the flying powers of the cape yet?
This book was full of downright stupid clichés and cheesy lines. I was rolling my eyes. I wouldn't buy this book for my library because I just didn't think it was funny or interesting.  Students may enjoy the madcap pace and over the top good vs. evil. Someone likes it though, because this has become a series. Also I keep thinking that the cover art features Jo feeding the dino a carrot -and overall I think the artwork is pretty boring.
EL –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary Librarian &

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