
Friday, December 28, 2012

Those Darn Squirrels Fly South by Adam Rubin - ADVISABLE

Rubin, Adam Those Darn Squirrels Fly South. Clarion Books, 2012. $16.99. Content: G.  PICTURE BOOK. 

 Those darn squirrels are curious about where the birds go when they fly south for the winter.  They construct some flying machines and follow the birds through all sorts of weather until they get to the beach.  They enjoy their time there, but miss old, grumpy Mr. Fookwire so they call him up on the phone.  He misses the birds (and the squirrels too) so he slowly makes his way to the beach to paint.  

I haven’t read the first Those Darn Squirrels book, but this one was well written and funny.  The pictures are enjoyably unique and matched the text very well.  It was a silly book, but also very clever.

 EL – ADVISABLE. Reviewed by: Shay, Library Media Specialist

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