
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Swords by Ben Boos - ADVISABLE

Boos, Ben Swords, 83 p. Candlewick, 2008, 2012.  $13.00.  Content: G.  

A combination of gorgeous drawings and lots of historic information make for a heady, intriguing book about swords and the history of swordcraft around the world.  The illustrations will draw many boys to this book, but it is chock full of facts to fill them with good information.  My only problem with this book is that too many of the swords are drawn with nicks in them - from everything I know (I admit it is not much), I believe that a decent swordsman would grind out nicks or replace their sword at that point, because that nick is a dangerous weakness in battle.  But anyway - if you have a teenage boy, a LARP-er or just a weapons enthusiastic around, this would very much appeal to them.  

MS, HS - ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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