
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Stuck with the Blooz by Caron Levis - ADVISABLE

Levis, Caron Stuck with the Blooz, PICTURE BOOK. Harcourt Children’s Books, 2012.  $16.99. 

What do you do when you feel down in the dumps and “the Blooz” comes to visit you?  When one little girl gets a visit she does her best to figure out why the Blooz is so sad and together they come up with multiple ways to make the Blooz cheer up and go away.  

I wasn’t immediately drawn to this book because the cover wasn’t particularly appealing, but I ended up really enjoying it. It was a really fun way to demonstrate a fairly abstract concept.  It gave strong examples of how to pull yourself up when you get sad.  Sometimes it takes a long time to find the thing that will work, but you just have to keep trying. It also helps to have a friend who is willing to give support for you find a way to make it through to a beautiful, sunny day. 

EL - ADVISABLE.  Reviewed by: Shay, Library Media Specialist

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