Aronson, Marc and Charles R. Smith, Jr. Pick-Up Game, pgs. 170. Candlewick
Press, 2011. FICTION. Language PG (23 swears, no f’s); Content: PG13. This is an
anthology of short stories written by different authors with each chapter a
continuation of the same story about basketball. Each chapter begins with a poem written by Charles R. Smith,
Jr., again about basketball. The
title pick-up game refers not just to the game itself (players waiting to be
picked), but to the writing of each chapter. Each author knew ahead of time the time slot, but was not
allowed to pick up where the previous author left off until the previous
chapter was completed. Each
chapter brings in different cast of characters to keep the story moving
along. The story takes place in
New York City at a place called The Cage, a court surrounded by chain link,
where scouts come to find the next new talent, but chapters, also, mention,
Soul in the Hole in Brooklyn and Rucker in Harlem. Players talk their street language as each one takes on
different competitors. The street
language, dialect, bad grammar, and all the different names associated with the
story could make the story a difficult read for students who do not use or
understand the slang of New York basketball. Students might be confused by such nicknames as Kay Saan,
Han Noy, and Cy Gonn not realizing that these names came from the Vietnam War
era. OPTIONAL – MS/HS. Reviewer, KD, Library Media Specialist, RJH Library
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