
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Fifty Cents and a Dream: Young Book T. Washington by Jabari Asim –ESSENTIAL

Asim, Jabari and Illustrated by Collier, Bryan Fifty Cents and a Dream: Young Book T. Washington 48 pgs. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, 2012. $10.98.  (Rating: G)
Booker was born during slavery. He wanted to learn to read and write. That opportunity comes up after emancipation, but it’s going to be hard to get there.
He had to journey 500 miles, mostly by walking, if he wanted to attend the Hampton Institute. He worked hard to make it and even harder once he’s arrive. Booker later plays a pivotal part in the education of African Americans by founding the Tuskegee Institute!
If nothing else the collage artwork is stunning. It makes me feel like I was right there and conveys an incredible amount of mood and emotion. Some of the best artwork I have seen. But add to it a fantastic true story that shows how hard work can accomplish big dreams, well, that make this book a must buy!!
ELEMENTARY –ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary Librarian &

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