
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Emanuel and the Hanukkah Rescue by Heidi Smith Hyde –ADVISABLE

Gellman, Ellie and Mola, Maria Jeremy’s Dreidel 32 pgs. Kar-Ben Publishing, 2012. $12.21.  (Rating: G)
Historical Fiction set in 18th century Massachusetts. A group of Jews, who emigrated to escape religious persecution, are afraid of revealing their religion to their new hometown. Emanuel wishes his family wouldn't hide their religion –especially the menorah lights during Hanukkah. When young Emanuel stows away on a boat, the entire crew finds themselves in danger from a storm. It will take the bravery of the whole Jewish community to save them all.
I really enjoyed this book and was quite touched by the ending. This book would work well for a unit on religious persecution, maybe on Hanukkah (Although you would end up discussion the prior topic anyway). I don’t think this is a great read to have on the shelves in the Easy section unexplained though –a bit too heavy in topic for the reading level.
EL –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary Librarian & Author.

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