
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson - ADVISABLE

Woodson, Jacqueline Each Kindness, 30 pgs. Penguin Books, 2012. $16.99. Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content :G; Violence: G. PICTURE BOOK.  

Chloe and her friends exclude a new girl, Maya, who attends their school.  She doesn’t dress the same, so they make fun of her.  Chloe never takes the time to know her or to show her kindness.  At the same time that Maya disappears from the school, her teacher gives an object lesson.  She has the children each drop  a rock into a basin of water as they thought of one nice thing they had done and watch the ripples of the water.  She explained that little acts of kindness ripple out into the world just like the ripples of water. Chloe feels guilt that she had never shown kindness to Maya while she was near. 

This is a touching story and a reminder to send out positive waves to all we come in contact with.  I did not particularly enjoy the regretful ending for a children’s book. Though realistic and thought provoking, I wish Chloe had one more chance to show her caring towards Maya. It would give children hope in redemption and their future. 


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