
Monday, December 17, 2012

all the things you are by Courtney Sheinmel - OPTIONAL

Sheinmel, Courtney all the things you are, 244 pgs. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2011. $15.99. Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG(reference to her developing breasts); Violence: G.  

Carly’s mother works on the set of a popular soap opera in the wardrobe department and a couple times a year Carly invited Annie to visit her mother on the set and see all of the famous actors on the show. On one particular visit the girls overheard a conversation between the head wardrobe director and Carly’s mom. Come to find out, the two women are charged with embezzling funds from their job.  Carly’s mom is arrested and her life turns upside down. She has anger towards her mother and does not trust her. Her best friend doesn’t want to be her friend anymore and she worries about her stepfather divorcing her mother. Throughout the book, Carly is learning the value of forgiveness. 

This book was just OK. It was a slow reading and hard at first for me to get into. The author has taken the time to explain a lot of laws and court processes with all that Leigh is experiencing which was informative. I recommend this book for middle school age students but it is not a must have book.  


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