
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Abraham Lincoln & Frederick Douglass by Freedman - ESSENTIAL

Freedman, Russell Abraham Lincoln & Frederick Douglass: The story behind an American friendship, 103 p. Clarion, 2012.  $19.  Content: G.  NON-FICTION.  

Born ten years apart, two young men, one black slave, one white sharecropper were influenced by the same slim volume: The Columbian Orator.  The black slave became Frederick Douglass, the most famous black person of his time, in America and in Europe.  The white man became Abraham Lincoln, the president of the Emancipation Proclamation, which permanently freed Douglass.  The two never met, until the midst of the Civil War, when Douglass came to scold Lincoln for his lack of support for the black soldiers of the war – and the two became friends, enjoying each other’s company. They only met but a few times before Lincoln’s assassination, though.  For the rest of his life, Douglass talked often about Lincoln.  

Sorry – I was so taken up by Freedman’s narrative that I shared way too much with you.  But you and your students will also enjoy the reading.  I love the high caliber of non-fiction available for students.  

MS, HS – ESSENTIAL. Cindy, Library Teacher

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