
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Trafficked by Kim Purcell - OPTIONAL

Purcell, Kim Trafficked, 389 pgs. Viking, 2012.

Language - PG (18 swears, 0 "f"), Sexual Content - PG-13; Violence - PG


Hannah thinks that her opportunity to go to America is the best choice to make. She plans on making a ton of money to send back to her babulya and learn English. Little does she know that those dreams will be dashed to pieces and thrown out the window--with her freedom. 

I was very disappointed in this book because of its lack of excitement. In the beginning, I was psyched to read it, but, the more I read, the slower the action got and the more my attention slipped. The ending is great, though--that's where all the excitement is and Hannah finds out just how great America can be with freedom. 

Reviewer: CCH

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