
Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Bell Bandit by Jacqueline Davies (The Lemonade Wars Book #3) –ESSENTIAL

Davies, Jacqueline The Bell Bandit (The Lemonade Wars Book #3) 192 pgs. Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, 2012. $10.87.  (Rating: PG)
Evan and Jessie are going to spend some time at Grandma’s House. But things are different. A few weeks earlier there had been a fire at her house, and now Grandma was in the hospital. Worst of all Grandma isn't herself anymore and the bell that is really important to the family, is missing. Jessie makes friends with a neighbor boy who is unlike anyone she has ever met, and together they try to find the bell. The kids must learn to adjust and come together when Grandma goes missing.
I am new to this series, and even missing those first two in the series, I found this book fantastic and it could easily function as a standalone. It had all the life lessons that teachers, parents, and well-meaning grownups love but it was also, and more importantly, so-well written that I couldn't stop reading and really loved getting to know these characters. Students will easily relate to these characters and love the mystery of the missing bell!
ELEMENTARY–ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary Librarian & Author.

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