
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Shadow on the Mountain by Margi Preau - ESSENTIAL

Preus, Margi Shadow on the Mountain, 284 pgs. Amulet, 2012. $16.95. Language: PG (no swears); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG; 

For five years, the  Nazis’ have  occupied Norway. Since the occupation, Espen, a Norwegian teen, spends his young life missing the simple pleasures he once knew. He finds himself becoming more and more involved with his soccer buddies in planning ways to secretly fight the Germans. As the story progresses he becomes a key player in the resistance movement. With his heavy involvement he slips up only once and is now a wanted man. He must hide from the Nazis and get out of the country before it is too late. 

The author does a good job of capturing the reader’s interest from the beginning. The fact it is a historical fiction made it enjoyable to read as well, because I felt I was learning about an aspect of WWII I had never studied. The author also gives pieces of accurate, historical facts throughout the book and helps to keep the time line of real events clear. There are occasional Norwegian words used throughout the book. The author provides a glossary of Norwegian words to help as you read. The one negative I found about the book was that it ended a little too soon. It seemed to need a couple of more chapters. Excellent resource for teaching about this event in WWII.  


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