
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mr. Terupt Falls Again by Rob Buyea - ESSENTIAL

Buyea, Rob Mr. Terupt Falls Again 356 pgs. Delacourt Press, 2012, $16.99.  Language: G (2 swears 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: G.  

Mr. Terupt is back with his class for their 6th grade year.  This sequel to Because of Mr. Terupt reunites the beloved teacher with Luke, Jeffrey, Peter, Lexie, Danielle, Anna and Jessica who each tell their own story.  The kids are a year older, and their problems are more mature.  Several of the students grow up this year as Lexie is exposed to underage smoking, alcohol and drug use, Danielle’s monthly cycles have begun, and the kids are thinking about each other in terms of boyfriends and girlfriends. 

This is certainly a sequel, I would not recommend reading it before its companion as issues from the first book are referred to but not explained.  

EL/MS ESSENTIAL  Lisa Media Specialist

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