
Friday, November 23, 2012

Joshua Dread (Book #1) by Lee Bacon –ADVISABLE

Bacon, Lee Joshua Dread (Book#1) 272 pgs. Delacorte Books for Young Readers, 2012. $12.13  (Rating: G)
Joshua Dread has a terrible secret; his parents are Supervillians. They are constantly trying to cause mayhem and are constantly thwarted by their nemesis, the showy Captain Justice. We meet Joshua just as his life turns upside down –he is developing powers of his own, he meets a new friend who is going through the same thing, and all the supervillians are in super danger. Worst of all Joshua will have to decide –is he a supervillian or a superhero?
I rolled my eyes on the first few pages, but was so so glad I kept reading. This was an extremely fun read, featuring genuine characters, and a carefully crafted and well-paced book. This quickly became a one-sitting read, as I couldn't stop reading. I think students will LOVE this new series!
ELEMENTARY–ADVISABLE Reviewer:  Stephanie School Librarian & Author.

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