
Friday, November 16, 2012

I Want My Mom! by Tony Ross -- NOT RECOMMENDED

Ross, Tony I Want My Mom! A Little Princess Story. 32 pgs. Andersen Press, 2012. $16.95. PICTURE BOOK. Although the Little Princess has a staff of servants scrambling to attend to her every whim, whenever anything goes wrong she rudely rejects them all and shrieks, "I WANT MY MOM!" On cue, her mother drops everything and comes running to soothe her. And then one day the princess goes to a friend's house to play. Although the king wants to spend time with the queen, the queen finally turns away, sobbing, "I want my little princess!"

Throughout this story, the spoiled little princess's overeager mother consistently rewards her bratty, whiny, demanding behavior. Their codependent relationship is more than a little disturbing, and not fun or funny as perhaps intended. After listening to this book, my daughter took on a demanding tone of voice to imitate the princess, yelling, "I hate eggs!" and "I want my mom!" Not a good role model for young children. We won't be reading this one again. Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- NOT RECOMMENDED. Reviewed by Caryn.

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