
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Have Fun, Molly Lou Melon by Patty Lovell –ADVISABLE

Lovell, Patty and Illustrated by Catrow, David Have fun, Molly Lou Melon 32 pgs. Putnam Juvenile, 2012. $11.55.  (Rating: G)
Molly Lou is back, and she is putting her own spin on old fashioned fun. Her Grandma is always telling her about the toys from her childhood –so Molly Lou tries out those stories, but adds her vasty amount of creativity. Her Grandma made cardboard box race cars –Molly Lou makes one too –but its customized with super amazing paint and folded up like origami. Her creativity even spills over to her new friend.
This was an adorable book. It was a new and creative story idea! I think it will inspire students –they are going to want a how-to book –especially for the cardboard car! Bright colors and incredibly interesting scenes will keep students entertained looking at all the fun details. 
EL –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate & Author.

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