
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Girls who Rocked the World by Michelle Roehm McCann and Amelie Welden –ESSENTIAL

McCann, Michelle Roehm and Welden, Amelie Girls who Rocked the World 256 pgs. Aladdin/Beyond Words, 2012. $11.55.  (Rating: G)
Over 40 stories of women throughout history that overcome roadblocks, developed their talents, and mostly just worked hard to make a difference. A little creative license starts each story –allowing the reader a peak into the head of the woman portrayed. Examples from the book are Sacajawea  Mary Anning, and Ann Pavlova. Also featured are real life teens responding to how they will “rock the world”.
To be honest, I was ready to be bored. I have read about some of these women numerous times, and a lot of these types of collections can be a pretty dry recitation of facts. But this book was more than a pleasant surprise -it was GREAT!! The fictionalized start to each person really drew me in, the facts were fresh and new to me, and I learned a TON! But when will these publishers learn that readers like pictures!? For example –Elisabeth Vigee-Le Brun, a painter featured, was a very prolific artist –and I want to see her art as I am learning about her -but this book is void of imagery!!  Still a wonderful teaching tool.
ELEMENTARY -ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary Librarian & Author.

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