
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Circle of Cranes by Annette LeBox - OPTIONAL

LeBox, Annette Circle of Cranes, 333 pgs. Dial Books, 2012. Language - G, Sexual Content - PG; Violence - PG; 

Suyin is the black sheep in her village because of her unusual past, lack of embroidery skills, and her tendency to talk with cranes. Being so different and feeling so unloved, Suyin feels like the village is getting rid of her when she is chosen to go to America for a job. On her adventure as an illegal immigrant, Suyin learns about friendship, bravery, and her past in order to make her the girl she's destined to become. 

I wasn't all that excited as I started this adventure with Suyin. The story was unique, but not all that appealing and I was frustrated with the characters as they seemed to change dramatically chapter to chapter. However, I did enjoy the happy ending full of hope and well-deserved justice. 

MS, HS - OPTIONAL. Reviewer: CCH

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