
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Boys who Rocked the World by Michelle Roehm McCann –ADVISABLE

McCann, Michelle Roehm Boys who Rocked the World 256 pgs. Aladdin/Beyond Words, 2012. $9.99.  (Rating: G)
This book is the same in format as its Girls counterpart. It features over 45 stories of men throughout history that took a chance, made the best of their talents and in many cases put the effort to accomplish their goals.  A little creative license starts each story –allowing the reader a peak into the head of the man portrayed. My favorites were Ferragamo, Bruce Lee, and Stan Lee. Examples from the book are. Also featured are real life teens responding to how they will “rock the world”.
Would have been top notch if it had included pictures, sigh. Some of these were a total rehash of much told stories but a few were surprising –like Stan Lee. They really did a good job of adding some fresh faces to the mix but the old standbys were kind of boring. I think students will enjoy this snapshot biography format –interesting and short!
ELEMENTARY –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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