
Monday, November 19, 2012

A Stranger Came Ashore by Mollie Hunter - ADVISABLE

Hunter, Mollie A Stranger Came Ashore, 134 pgs. Kelpie Classics, 1975, 1994.  New edition, 2012. $9.95. Language: G ( 0 swears, 0 “f” ); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG.  

Robbie Henderson, a teen Shetlander, lived when the only transportation was horse and buggy.  He lived with his family near the sea.  His grandfather told him many tales of the Selkie Folk: seals that take on human form and lure unsuspecting islanders to their deaths.  A stranger, named Finn Learson, comes ashore after a shipwreck and falls in love with Robbie’s sister, Elspeth.  Robbie finds reasons to believe that Finn is the “Great Selkie” of lore.  He believes his sister is in danger and takes every opportunity he can to save her. 

Hunter creates a gripping folk tale from the British Isles.  The use of “common” speech by the characters contributes to the overall flavor of the story.  The book is hard to put down since Hunter creates such suspense throughout the novel.  This is a fun, cultural read. 


1 comment:

  1. A new edition might help, but I just weeded my prebound copy because it was disintegrating. Not a huge circulator even when newer.
