
Monday, October 22, 2012

Undead Ed by Rotterly Ghoulstone –OPTIONAL

Ghoulstone, Rotterly Undead Ed 206 pgs. Razorbill, 2012. $10.99.  (Rating: G)

Ed Bagley is not having great luck. He is embarrassed in front of his crush, electrocuted, and finally hit by a car. But that’s not the end. He wakes up as a stinky, rotten, worm-infested Zombie. Turns out his whole town is full of the undead, and he finds a new werewolf friend. When his rotten arm takes off on its own, it becomes an evil entity –Ed must embrace his new self and bravely face his arm.

I am just going to say it. I think kids will really like this book.  I would liken this book to the candy bars for sale at grocery checkout. Does it belong in a school library? Only if you need to employ some pure entertainment shelf fillers. It’s an easy read despite the length. It has a larger font size, with a simple plot and easy to understand words. 

ELEMENTARY–OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie School Librarian & Author.

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