
Monday, October 22, 2012

Mysteries according to Humphrey by Betty G. Birney –ADVISABLE

Birney, Betty Mysteries according to Humphrey 160 pgs. Putnam Juvenile, 2012. $10.19.  (Rating: G)
Mrs. Brisbane’s class has substitute, and Humphrey is worried. Since the class in the middle of learning about Sherlock Holmes, Humphrey knows that it will take gathering clues to figure out where Mrs. Brisbane is and when she is coming back. In the meantime he helps the students, critiques the subs teaching style, and enjoys his snacks.  
There is only one thing I didn’t like about this adorable book in a popular series –is that I think the class would have known what happened to their teacher (especially since it’s pretty trivial –not like a major disease or life threatening thing). The author has done a fantastic job creating a multifaceted hamster character. Even the Humphries way of naming for the students in the class is creative and quirky. Students have been eager for this newest book and it’s a great read.
ELEMENTARY–ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie School Librarian & Author.

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