
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Captain Awesome: Soccer Star by Stan Kirby –ADVISABLE

Kirby, Stan Captain Awesome: Soccer Star (Book 5) 128 pgs. Little Simon, 2012. $4.99.  (Rating: G)

Captain Awesome (aka Eugene) and his best friend Nacho Cheese Man (aka Charlie) are excited to break the boredom of Fall by joining a soccer team. Eugene just knows he is going to be excellent, but finds out that its tougher than it looks. He isn’t allowed to play as Captain Awesome and must find another way to unlock his inner super powers. Everything and everyone is a possible nemesis to these superheroes.

This book would not function well as a stand-alone, there are just too many characters, most of whom have comic book names in addition to their real ones. Add to that the boys favorite soccer stars and comic book hero’s and you have yourself too many character names to pack into a small book. Maybe if they were introduced in books 1-4, slowly, this book would make more sense to a first time reader of the series. Although this is not a graphic novel, the comic book theme and the artwork -give it that feel. I really liked this book and think that students will relate to Eugene’s imaginative outlook as the whole world becoming part of your internal story.

EL – ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie School Librarian & Author.

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