
Monday, October 15, 2012

AlphaBest by Helaine Becker - ADVISABLE

Becker, Helaine AlphaBest: The Zany, Zanier, Zaniest Book about Comparatives and Superlatives, illustrated by Dave Whamond, .  Kids Can Press, 2012. $16.95. PICTURE BOOK. Content: G.  

AlphaBest walks the reader through the tricky world of superlatives and comparatives. Set in a carnival, two characters explore the world of zany, zanier, zaniest for each letter in the alphabet.  The illustrations are fun and make the point of how things can go from slimy to slimiest. It will put a smile on any young readers face while teaching them important grammar tips. An informational page of teaching tips at the end of the book makes this a great classroom resource for elementary teachers. 

PRE-K, EL (K-3) EL– ADVISABLE. Reviewer: J. Hafen

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