
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wrecked by Anna Davies - OPTIONAL

Davies, Anna  Wrecked  Simon and Schuster, 2012. $16.99 336 pages.  Content: Language: R (25 swears; 4 “F”); Sexual Content: PG; Violence: PG.  

After enjoying a night on the beach drinking by the bon fire, Miranda and her friends get into Miranda’s boat to head home.  Because Miranda didn’t drink, she takes the helm, but the friends get ensnared and find the boat on fire.   Miranda’s boyfriend throws her into the sea, where she is rescued by a betwixtman named Christian.  Christian should be able to choose between living in the sea or on the land, but by saving Miranda he has angered the sea queen Sephie.  Christian is issued the task to bring Miranda’s soul to Sephie in the ocean in seven days, or Christian will lose his ability to go on land.  Miranda, overcome with grief from losing her friends and boyfriend to the boat accident and being blamed by the community, takes comfort in swimming in the ocean where she befriends Christian.  Christian and Miranda fall in love, but Sephie has cursed their relationship from the beginning.  

This is a depressing book about loss and guilt.  The storyline is interesting, but the ending felt hurried and unsatisfying.  The writing is well done, but the characters aren’t relatable.  The cover is very appealing.  

HS-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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