
Friday, September 14, 2012

True Blue by Jane Smiley - OPTIONAL

Smiley, Jane True Blue, 297 pgs.  Random House Children`s Books, 2011.
$ 16.99.  Language - G (0 swears, 0 "f"), Mature Content - G; Violence - G;  

True Blue is about a horse who loses his owner in a car accident, then  gets a new owner named Abby Lovitt.  When at Blues new home, Blue is  often being spooked and Abby is seeing a ghost, who seems to be  haunting her and Blue.  

While reading True Blue, I was intrigued for most of the book, mainly because you are just waiting for something to happen.  I would  recommend this book to those people who enjoy a somewhat easy – read and some mystery. 

EL & MS - OPTIONAL.  Student Reviewer: MD

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