
Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Scorpions of Zahir by Christine Brodien-Jones –ESSENTIAL

Brodien-Jones, Christine The Scorpions of Zahir 384 pgs. Delacorte Books for Young Readers, 2012. $12.85.  (Rating: G)
Zagora might long for a mother she has never known, but she adores her father. He is a brilliant explorer and professor. Finally it’s her turn to go on an adventure with him –to the deserts of Morocco! She just knows that a mysterious necklace she found is part of a great mystery. Even though her brother has to be there, Zagora finds plenty to be excited about. Something more sinister than any of them could have imagined is underway and Zagora might need to learn a few things about herself in order to help.
This was a fantastic book –I couldn’t put it down. Students are going to love this interesting adventure with a touch of magic, archeology, and world travel. I would guess the main character is in 5th grade or so. There is a fantastic trailer  if you want to get your students eager to check this book out.
ELEMENTARY –ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary Librarian & Author.

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