
Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Mark by M.R. Bunderson-ADVISABLE

Bunderson, M.R., The Mark. Cedar Fort, 2010. Pgs. 280. Language: G, Violence: PG  Sexual Content: G

She’s had it forever. A tiny mark on her hand. One day, however, while looking at the freckle underneath her microscope she discovers a tattoo. Soon she meets Eric and others who have the same mark. What does the tattoo mean? How are they all connected?

A fun, intriguing story with a little bit of romance for mystery fans. Although the action doesn’t happen until towards the end of the book and the print’s hard to read, the clues and character relationships are entertaining and hold the reader’s interest. With a cliffhanger that leaves several questions unanswered, readers will surely want to read the inevitable sequel. MS, HS. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Jessica M, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.