
Monday, September 24, 2012

The Inquisitor’s Apprentice by Chris Moriarty –OPTIONAL

Moriarty, Chris and illustrated by Geyer, Mark The Inquisitor’s Apprentice 356 pgs. Harcourt Children's Books, 2011. $12.13.  (Rating: PG)
When Sacha found out he could see witches, his life took an expected turn. He is hired as an Inquisitor’s Apprentice, is stalked by a dark shadow, spends time with a rich girl, and tries to stop magical crimes. Set in the early 1900’s New York City, this is a twisted reality is filled with everyday people with magical abilities. Mostly harmless, but it’s the dark stuff that Sacha must deal with, and when some signs point to his own family, it’s a race to solve the mystery on his own before his boss finds out!
There is a problem with this book:  it’s way too complex for an upper elementary –requiring extensive knowledge of New York City, History, and even Jewish Culture to fully appreciate the story. But on the other hand, the main character is a very young boy, so Middle Schoolers won’t be thrilled with Sacha's innocence. The twisted history cultural references were flat out annoying, Thomas Edison, Roosevelt … they would be unappreciated by students and eye-roll inducing to adult readers.
MS – OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie School Librarian & Author.

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