
Friday, September 14, 2012

Take What You Can Carry

Pyle, Kevin C. Take What You Can Carry. Henry Holt and Co., 2012. 176 pgs. Language: PG, Violence: PG (implied child abuse), Mature content: PG (No sex, but some generic hoodlum behavior). $12.99 TPB

Take What You Can Carry weaves together two seeming unrelated tales: one of Kyle in 1977 suburbia becoming a thrill-seeking shoplifter due to sheer boredom, and one of Ken in the 1940s struggling in a Japanese interment camp in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor.

An interesting take on how our past can affect the decision we make, and how we choose to respond to those who wrong us. Switching between the blue-hues of Kyle’s story to the wordless, sepia-tone of Ken’s, the book gives and important look at an important part of American history, and an honest look at suburban life. The two stories connect in a satisfying way that shows how both characters changed for the better. 

MS/HS – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer: Ben

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