
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Level Up by Gene Yang - ADVISABLE

Yang, Gene Luen Level Up. First Second press, 2011. 160 pgs. Language: PG (7 swears), Violence: G, Sexual Content: PG. $19.99 HC. GRAPHIC NOVEL

Dennis Ouyang was never allowed to play video games growing up. His father said they were a waste of time. When his father passes away close to Dennis’ high school graduation, Dennis is free to delve into the long-forbidden world of pixels and heroes. It quickly becomes an addiction, and gets him kicked out of college. When the angels show up Dennis struggles with their realness and their message: that Dennis’ destiny lies in the medical field, and thus, a return to college.

An entertaining, heartfelt book about choosing your own path versus the one chosen for you. Well written and containing great artwork, it will ring true with anyone who is trying to figure out their place in life, even if that means going against someone you love. Plus the cover looks like a Gameboy circa 1989! 

MS/HS- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Ben

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