Holub, Joan and Williams, Suzanne Heroes in Training: Zeus and the Thunderbolt
of Doom 112 pgs. Aladdin,
2012. $5.99. (Rating: G)
When giants
(Titans) kidnap 10 year old Zeus, he is constantly worried they are going to
eat him. When he pulls a thunderbolt from a stone, it sets off an adventure to
rescue other Olympians his age from King Cronus, not to mention a way to get
the thunderbolt unstuck from his hand!
I appreciate the
effort to flesh out Greek mythology in such a way that students will understand
it and maybe even enjoy it. But this story was flat out confusing. It was
random, rambling, and full of a plethora of characters that were unmemorable.
(Even to someone familiar with Greek mythology). Save your money for a graphic
novel version if you are interesting in getting students on board with modern-twist
Greek mythology.
RECOMMENDED Reviewer: Stephanie School Librarian & Author.
I wanted to like these as well, and students will love the covers, but I did not think they were quite what I wanted.